Maybe life is fair?

Many people say that life is not fair. But sometimes, I feel like I don't agree. Do not misunderstand me; I still think that people are not fair, society is not fair, and many of the rules we follow are not fair. If you believe in a God, luck or destiny, they are not fair either. But maybe life is?

Let me give you an example: you might think you are working hard but are not getting any rewards, recognition or money to show for it. Does it prove that life isn't fair? Think of it this way: you are pursuing things that are provided by people or society; things like fame or money and hence you are being treated in an unfair way. But on the other hand, if you are satisfied by what you do, work hard to get what you really want for yourself and have that 'inner peace', then you are doing great. Isn't life fair by providing those things which are under your control and not providing those things which are under the control of some unfair entity?

I completely understand that your viewpoint might differ. But at least this is how I look upon life and find it to be true. You can also see it this way, if that helps you. 😊


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